Dedicated to Safety

Prevention and Preparation

As professional masons we take safety seriously in and around our construction sites. We are careful to recognize and avoid potential hazards that might cause damage and injury. Every job site is different and each environment should be assessed and considered before the work begins, as well as while the work is being performed. Preventative measures is always the best solution for reducing, or hopefully avoiding accidents all together.

Additionally, proper safety attire is expected to be worn at all times on the job site. Required attire includes qualified helmets, shoes, personal body protection equipment (PPE), goggles, respiratory masks, reflective or colorful vest, and more. If a hazard is present, team members are expected to dress accordingly to cut down and effectively eliminate potential dangers.

Two Brother Masonry Construction, LLC also promotes and encourages properly maintained equipment and tools that are used on the job. Any such equipment, including portable electric tools, that are proven to be defective or a hazard due to improper insolation or faulty parts are discarded, repaired or replaced. We make every effort to assure our equipment is maintained and kept up to date with current construction industry standards.

Lastly, job and employee safety training is a big part of our safety process. We make sure that our team members understand the hazards and dangers involved with our masonry construction projects, and demonstrate the proper ways to perform jobs effectively and without injury. Education, explanation, and demonstration are some of the best methods to keep everyone safe and healthy.


Steps We Perform for Safety

Below are a number of steps and processes that help Two Brothers Masonry Construction remain safe on the job:

  • Safety Training for Employees

  • Proper Use of PPE and Safety Gear

  • Make Sure Job Site is Clear of Obstacles

  • Wear Proper Attire and Protective Shoes

  • Be Cautious of Wet or Slippery Surfaces

  • Be Aware of Potential Structural Hazards

  • Stay Hydrated During Extreme Temperatures

  • Steer Clear of or Protected from Noxious Chemicals

  • Make Sure Avoid Excessive Heavy Lifting

  • Safely, Securely Position Ladders and Scaffling

  • Properly Maintain and Check Tools (Manual & Power)

  • Minimize Contact with Harmful Materials and Wash Hands Regularly

  • Use Respirators or Masks When Pollutants are Present

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